February 27, 2015

Ear infection... Again...

Hi my dear friends,

I guess by now I should be already fine with the fact that ever since Sophie started going to daycare this year she is sick all the time, I am not even exaggerating, she is sick every single week.

I know I should accept this fact along time ago, but I just cannot help it but being completely heartbroken seeing my little baby suffering and struggling all the time. Not only it's so tough and difficult for her, but first of all it wears me out, drains me down and leaves me completely exhausted, empty and so tired,that I simply cannot find the words to express how I feel. I can barely and hardly remember when is the last time I had a good nights sleep, heck, just any night sleep. 
But at the end of the day I see her beautiful and oh so perfect face, and nothing else really matters at all. Just those huge blue eyes looking at me with love, just smell of those soft curls and feeling of those tiny chubby hands hugging my neck. I'm just hoping that this stage will end eventually, and she will enjoy life without constantly feeling ill.

Hope your day was better than mine, wishing you a wonderful evening.



  1. Poor little one. My 5 year old used to get constant ear infections when he was little. His eardrum ruptured twice! It's the hardest thing to see them sick. But it does build up their immune system so hopefully she will get sick less and less. I pray she sleeps well tonight so you can rest well too. Do you have any Tylenol or Advil? That helps til the antibiotic kicks in. Praying for you all
